Why ThermoGuard?
It enables precise monitoring of the cargo temperature in the trailer. The system can notify you with alarms if the temperature falls below the permitted limit, so that you can prevent potential cargo damage. The cargo temperature is visible to either the office employees or the drivers who have the CVS communication terminal at their disposal.
If your trailers already have built-in temperature recorders, we enable a connection to the DataCold 500, DataCold 600, EUROSCAN TX2-6 and TX2-4 models. We can display the temperature even if your trailer uses a ThermoKing cooling aggregate, as CVS is integrated with the ThermoKing system.
Advantages of the solution

Load temperature monitoring
The system allows you to see the real-time temperature of the cargo space - to employees in the office via the mobileWEB platform, and to the drivers via a special tablet computer in the vehicle. The alarm system can send alerts when temperature changes.

More reliable transport of sensitive cargo
By controlling the temperature of the cargo space, the transport of a heat-sensitive load (food, perishable goods, pharmaceuticals, electronic devices, etc.) will be more reliable, since you can prevent potential damage to the cargo due to incorrect temperature regime.

Temperature reports
The system provides various cargo temperature reports on the mobileWEB platform, allowing you to have a complete overview of the temperature regime of the load compartment.
Technical equipment
Equipment related to the selected solution.

Temperature sensor
A wireless temperature sensor that allows you to monitor the temperature of the sensitive load.
Benefits of an intelligent telematics system
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