
Why TyreGuard?

Through advanced tyre pressure and temperature monitoring, it promptly warns you if tyre pressure is too low or too high or tyre temperature is too high, as these can lead to tyre damage and therefore vehicle or cargo damage.

Advantages of the solution

Prevention of accidents and injuries

By setting alerts on the unnecessary tire pressure or temperature, you can prevent damage to the tyre and, consequently, damage to the vehicle or load, and the time of the vehicle's inoperability.

Up to 8% longer tyre life

By providing optimum tyre pressure, they extend their lifespan to 8%.

Better security

The tyre pressure and temperature monitoring increases the safety of drivers and cargo and reduces the likelihood of accidents.

Technical equipment

Equipment related to the selected solution.

Benefits of an intelligent telematics system
up to
Lower fuel costs
up to
Longer tire life
up to
Better efficiency of drivers' working hours
more than
Earlier invoice issue
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